Tennis Day 4 Musings

When you see a ball thrown in your direction with high velocity
The immediate instinct is to run towards and bat
The shot doesn’t hit right
You lose energy
And sometimes get hurt

Let the ball come to you, move back
Stay relaxed
Observe the ball
And hit

Don’t hit the ball while you are running

Anything but understood

When your ask is anything
But understood

And then they complaint
That you don’t respond

Despite the multiple asks
Either way,

You become the person
Who is perennially at odds


She wondered what brewed lately
Cold looks came more often

Rooted in discontent they seemed
Or a rejection of her opinion about things

She cared much and pulled back
At the slightest hint of being dismissed


She admired the skies
Not the screens

They may not understand
That this could be a thing

Most pastimes these days
Began and ended at screens

We picked from our surroundings
Subconsciously and unconsciously

She reminds herself
This is not her thing

Didn’t matter
If it was ‘the’ thing around him

Let it

The more you try the hold
The more it slips

Let it go
Let it go

Nothing is yours
Nothing ever will be

Don’t believe then
If they say so

Let it go
Let it go


A year that set you on a new journey

New often came with much stimulation

Many shocking surprises

Pushing boundaries

Pushing you

And you’ll soon find yourself

On the other side

And admire your new capabilities


She was being carried away by the tides
No matter how much control she tried to exercise

The flux was more
Than she could resist

Neither today
Nor in this lifetime

No, you don’t leave
All those years behind

You only leap into
A new life

That would take
Most of your time

And you will still
Have your bunch

And all their affection
Whenever you look around

To be

Away from the perceptions
Of the world around us

And it’s opinions
Of how things should be

Of What’s beautiful
What isn’t

How it should be
And it shouldn’t

She reminds herself
Of what she had learnt

To be herself.


The presence
That showered
So much love

The hands
Initially cold
Then warm

The arms
Wrapped around
her own

Detached as much
She thought
She would be

The heart still absorbed
Every emotion
That was poured


She was moving towards tomorrow
And moving away from today

Journeys that came
With a crazy mix of feelings

To look forward
To the little known

While being carried away
From the very known

To move ahead
Because you’ve been waiting to

Or so